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AC-DC - Can I sit next to you girl

Intro Chords:	|-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Verse:		|-----------------------------------------------------------------------
		Repeat the 7-7-9-7 part a few more times, then:
		And you're back where you started.
		Near the end it does this for a while:
		That's about it. It takes a while to get the picking and fingering right
		in the walking part. I keep my middle finger on the 2nd fret & pick
		alternately down & up.

		The System:
		--2H4--         Hammer on
		--4P2--         Pull off
		--2S4--         Slide
		--2..--         Let Ring
		--2..2-         Let Ring, then hit again
		--2~~--         Vibrato
		--0-0--         Palm Mute
		 p p
		--0-0--         Up & Down Picking
		 U D
		--0-0-2-0-0-3-0-0-2-0-0-3-0-0-2H3--     Metallica
		 D U D U D U D U D U D U D U D
		The spacing of the notes kind of reflects the timing of the song, but not
		very well.

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